Insurance adjusters will often attempt to stall, hoping that as your financial needs mount, you would be willing to accept a lower settlement in exchange for quicker payment. One of the benefits of hiring an Orange County personal injury attorney is that he or she will keep the pressure on insurance adjusters who try to stall or stonewall you.
Probably the most common method that insurance adjusters use to stall negotiations is simply refusing to communicate with the claimant. The adjuster may fail to return phone calls or respond to letters and faxes because of a heavy caseload or other legitimate difficulties. However, it is often a calculated attempt to stall negotiations, often because the claimant wants answers that the insurance company is not prepared to give.
If you do manage to get a hold of an adjuster who is using this tactic, he attempt to avoid discussing your claim by asserting that your file cannot be located. This excuse may be legitimate; there is often a central filing system that the adjuster must use to access your file, and it is entirely possible for your file to have gotten lost in the shuffle. However, like excuses that involve heavy caseloads, this excuse is nearly impossible to verify. While it may not automatically mean that your adjuster is avoiding you, it can be another warning sign if you have other reasons to suspect it.
If you have been injured in Orange County, don’t let insurance adjusters give you the runaround. An experienced Orange County personal injury lawyer will recognize these tricks and do whatever is necessary to get you the settlement you deserve. Call Samer Habbas today for a free consultation.
Samer Habbas, Esq
State Bar: #243683
Samer Habbas is a California attorney with over 18 years of experience in personal injury law. Throughout his career, he has successfully recovered over $300 million for his clients, solidifying his reputation as a leading advocate in the field.
Samer swiftly gained recognition for his adept negotiation skills and unwavering dedication to his clients. His practice spans a wide range of personal injury cases, including car accidents, dog bites, funeral home abuse, premises liability, and wrongful death.
Samer is known for his compassionate approach and commitment to securing favorable outcomes for his clients. His expertise has earned him the trust and respect of both his clients and his peers within the legal community. He is also deeply invested in giving back to his community. He actively participates in pro bono work and volunteers his time to various charitable organizations. Samer is a champion for those who have been wronged, leveraging his extensive experience and expertise to make a meaningful difference in the lives of his clients and his community.
Tags : orange County,personal Injury
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